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 Use code: Freshwaterlove to get 10% discount for all aquarium products

Each Salvinia minima plant size will be similar as the 1st photo shows with two free floating plants every order!!

- 100% alive guaranteed! In case of DOA OR if the plant doesn’t match with the description OR if the plants died within a week, simply send us a massage with a clear picture of the plants. We will either send you a free replacement or issue full refund.

- Most plants on the market are grown EMERGED in commercial nurseries. To grow plants emerged are much faster, and easier to ship. However, plants grown in such condition generally require long transition period to adapt in a submerged environment. The chances of the plant getting melted down is relatively high. All plants we sell are grown submerged in an enclosed environment, which means that they are easier to adapt in new environments (assuming you will be keeping them submerged in your aquariums).

- The plants we sell are home grown in an indoor, enclosed environment.

What you need to keep the plants thrive
- Adequate lighting system, the light that usually comes with new tank is not suitable for growing live plants.
- Adequate substrate (except for floating plants), substrate particle size should not be more than 1/4” in diameter. A substrate depth of 2-3 inches is recommended for most plants.
- CO2 injection can greatly improve plants growth
- Fertilization both in substrate and water column
- pH should be in the range of 6.5 - 7.5
- Temperature should be in the range of 70-80 degree for most plants
- Feel free to ask any question

15 plants Salvinia Minima Live Floating Aquatic Plant Freshwater Aquarium Pond P


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